The long-awaited film of the ‘Mega’ family hero, Allu Sirish, titled “Srirastu Subhamastu” has finally hit the screens!! Lavanya Tripathi is the female lead, supported by Prakash Raj, Rao Ramesh, Tanikella Bharani and Sumalatha. Parasuram of “Solo” fame, is the director and the prestigious Geetha Arts has produced “Srirastu Subhamastu.”
In the story, Prakash Raj plays a rich industrialist who feels girls from middle-class families trap rich kids to get settled in life and become wealthy overnight. His son is played by Sirish, who falls in love with Lavanya Tripathi’s character on first sight. But to prove his dad is wrong, he enters into Lavanya’s life as a not so wealthy guy and tries to make her fall in love with him. Lavanya’s dad is played by Rao Ramesh, a middle-class father who would do anything for his daughter. In an unexpected turn of events, Lavanya’s marriage is fixed with the son of Thanikella Bharani a friend of Rao Ramesh’s character. How does Sirish react to this? Does Lavanya love him? What happens in the end?
Though the story goes a bit in line with a few movies we have already seen, treatment by the director Parasuram gives the audience a new feel. Allu Sirish, as an actor has shown good growth and has given a decent performance. He also proved to be having good comedy timing with this film.Lavanya was cute and gave her best. Rao Ramesh and Prakash Raj have excelled in their roles which can be said to be tailor-made for them.
Music by Thaman, went well both in songs and in elevating the key scenes from the film. Special mention for the cinematographer Manikandan who made the film into a scenic beauty. Finally, “Srirastu Subhamastu” can be said to be worth watching, and would definitely give a boost to the career of Allu Sirish as an actor.
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