Nayanatara is one rare heroine who can carry off any role with great elan. She’s also the only actress of the current generation who can make an equal impact opposite Senior and Younger generation heroes alike. Nayanatara made her debut in a Tamil cinema in 2005 titled “Ayya,” but shot to fame with “Chandramukhi.” She got her share of blockbusters in Telugu as well in the form of “Lakshmi,” “Tulasi,” “Simha,” and “Sri Rama Rajyam.”
The actress from humble beginnings has risen to stardom equaling her male co-stars, within the ambit of a very short period. The beautifulNayanatara, has shared screen space opposite almost all the superstars as Rajinikanth, Vijay, Ajith, Suriya, Simbhu in Tamil and Venkatesh, Jr. N.T.R., Nagarjuna and Balakrishna in Telugu.
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