It’s been over a year since Naga Chaitanya is seen on the screen. After the not so successful “Dohchay,” Chaitanya has taken a break for a while and is coming up with romantic entertainers “Premam” and “Saahasam Swasaga Saagipo.”
The Chandoo Mondeti directorial “Premam,” an official remake of Malayalam superhit movie by the same name has completely wrapped up the entire shooting and the makers have planned for a grand audio release on 24th August at Shilpakala Vedika, Hyderabad.
Meanwhile, the makers have released the single track “Yevare Yevare” sung by Vijay Yesudas with lyrics penned by Srimani today on the leading FM channel. The track is fresh and melodious with soulful music by Rajesh Murugesan.
“Premam” that comes with the tagline “Love Stories End…, Feelings Don’t….” features Naga Chaitanya, Shruti Haasan, Madonna Sebastian and Anupama Parameshwaran is all set to release on 9th September.
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